The "Congress Over Time" gallery is a chronological view of the legislative branch. Each of the six islands features special artifacts from the time period, framed with images, stories, and context about Congress.

Each island in the "Congress Over Time" exhibit is introduced with an infographic, showing the growth of the nation and major acts of Congress over in that time.

The "Founding Documents" wall features large prints of the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Each document has a unique interpretation on the wall, and the Constitution's light-up quotes may be the most impressive.

The legislative process is complex but rewarding. Our interactive team brought the "Can You Pass the Law?" game on the right into the main exhibit, accompanied by my infographics that illustrate all its twists and conditions.
The "Impact of Congress" section features personal accounts of how legislative reform can benefit citizens. We crafted a modular panel system to feature these stories in a consistent but dynamic pattern.
The "My Role in Congress" section hosts a similar pattern of modularity to the "Impact of Congress" section, adding specific examples of actions that a citizen can take to impact the legislative process on behalf of themself or their community.

The "Nation's Capitol" brings forward all the art and architecture of the Capitol Building and its surroundings.
My coworkers practice their speaking skills at a podium and drafting bills with step-by-step templates.
The legislative process can be a fun one when practiced amongst friends!

This map interactive has three layers of information, allowing visitors to explore the spatial relationship between representation, population, and industry across the United States.
Deals are made at the Creating Compromise table, where up to six visitors are assigned competing goals in a hypothetical budget and must work together to find an arrangement that can pass a majority vote.